Jan 03, 2024briar de wolfe

Morning routines are pivotal in setting yourself up for success. 

The outcome of the rest of a day can play out very differently depending on how you approach getting ready.

 5 Prompts To Help You Ease Into Your Day:

1. Recite a positive affirmation.

This is a practice that is helpful in framing your mindset for each day, which can be similar to intention setting. Positive affirmations can be as simple as, "I am grateful/blessed to be well". Any positive affirmation that feels ok will do. It's helpful to change it up depending on different circumstances that arises. The best part is that you can make it as specific and as personal as you want. 

2. Have a warm cup of water.

Your brain needs hydration to perform at it's optimal function. When you lose water the balance in your body is disrupted and your brain cells lose efficiency. If you experience brain fog in the morning, one possible natural remedy could be to have a glass of water.

3. Go for a walk.

Whether it's around a small block that takes 5 minutes or a bigger block that takes 45 minutes. Walking in the morning helps improve your mood, giving you a boost of energy throughout the day. The added bonus-- it requires no monthly membership. The more consistent you are, the more physical benefits you will also see.

4. Listen to music.

Choose a mood boosting music that makes you feel ready to take on the day You are the main character of your life. A curated soundtrack to your life is a powerful way to allow you to take a step back and see the bigger picture of your path. If you're even up to it, practicing some visualizing is particularly effective in creating new ways of seeing and forming positive habits. 

5. Read a book that interests you. 

Reading a book can help you get out of your head and into the story that is being told. In this way, it can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Reading is also a powerful form of connection, allowing you to gain insight into your life and the lives of others. Within this indirect connection, you hold space for yourself to heal through loneliness, depression, anxiety and grief. 


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